Serena Software
Status Former
Partnered Since 2014
Sector Technology
provided orchestrated application development and release management solutions to the Global 2000.
The company's 2,500 enterprise customers made Serena one of the largest independent ALM vendors and was the only one that orchestrated DevOps, the processes that brought together application development and operations. Headquartered in Silicon Valley, Serena served enterprise customers across the globe.

May 04, 2016
HGGC Completes Exit of Serena Software in $540 Million Cross-Border Transaction
Mar 27, 2016
HGGC Turned to Familiar Faces to Drive Growth of Serena Software
Mar 21, 2016
HGGC To Exit Serena Software in $540 Million Cross-Border Transaction
Mar 10, 2014
HGGC agrees to acquire Serena Software from Silver Lake